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Tax Issues When Giving To Charity From an IRA

Getting with the Programmed

The better you understand fintech, the more competitive you will be. Sherree DeCovny explains.

Wall Street Stock Loans Drain $1 Billion a Year From German Taxpayers

Carefully timed deals help big money managers skirt dividend taxes in 20 countries, confidential documents show.

By Cezary Podkul

Blockchain Shifts the Flow of Money and Goods into High Gear

Some observers believe blockchain could be the operating system of the future, an enabler of the Third Industrial Revolution. However, there are many technological, regulatory and adoption issues to be overcome, and it could be decades before it becomes ubiquitous.

By Sherree DeCovny and Ken Cottrill

Small is Beautiful, When it Comes to Tanker Companies

Debunks notions about economies of scale in the industrial maritime shipping business based on an analysis of costs across multiple exchange-listed companies. by Barry Parker

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

Corporate venture capital investments are reaching levels not seen since the dot-com era... By Ed Zwirn

Dodd-Frank’s Next Act: Executive Pay


(originally published on June 23, 2015 by CFO Magazine)

The SEC’s proposed disclosure rules have drawn criticism from proponents and opponents alike.  By Ed Zwirn


The Top Prize for Personal Wealth? Business Owners Own It

By Ted Knutson

(Article appeared May 21 in Financial Advisor Magazine)

Want customers who can give you a standard of living you can “cheers” about? Brew a client base with the likes of Justin Ross, owner of the baseball bar Justin’s Café. Are you seeking the serenity that comes with a cadre of well heeled patrons? Peddling to Zen Spot proprietor Kelli Harrington and other entrepreneurs can hit the spot. For personal wealth is concentrated in the hands of American business owners to a high degree few financial advisors can imagine.

Remembering Jamestown, Colo.

It was only after a flood devastated Jamestown and claimed the life of Joey Howlett that Jenny L. Herring realized how much impact Jamestown, its environs and its residents have had on her life:

Legalized Cannabis Isn't Good Business Yet

Marijuana has been smokin’ hot lately, with Wall Street trying to tap into the reefer madness with all sorts of funds aimed at businesses in Colorado and Washington state. That being said, legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis is not the same as making it good business. By Ed Zwirn
