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May 11th, 2021 – Breaking Down the Story: America’s Covid Swab Supply Depends on Two Cousins Who Hate Each Other

Join members and friends of the New York Financial Writers’ Association for a reporting club webinar looking at how a single family feud threatened America's entire COVID-19 testing enterprise.

RESCHEDULED to April 19th, 2021 –“The Day the Markets Roared”

Henry Kaufman was known to generations of financial journalists as Dr. Doom for his old-school bearishness. A mildly positive market call he made on Aug. 17, 1982, ignited a huge rally on Wall Street.

March 10th, 2021 – Breaking Down the Story: How Cults Like QAnon Respond to Embarrassing Failures

Join members and friends of the New York Financial Writers’ Association for a reporting club webinar looking at the story behind what drives supporters of conspiracy theories such as QAnon to hold tight to their extreme beliefs long after they have already failed to materialize. 

February 23, 2021 – The Ripple Effect: How and Why the SEC Targeted One Specific Cryptocurrency

Join the New York Financial Writers' Association for a panel discussion on cryptocurrency and the ins and outs of how and why The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission labeled XRP a security -something it has not done for any other widely traded cryptocurrency. Panelists will discuss the importance of the SEC's actions regarding XRP taking place at a time when leadership of the SEC is changing and when cryptocurrency is surging to new heights. 

Other topics that will be touched on include:

January 21st, 2021 – Breaking Down the Story: Thousands of D.C. Renters Are Evicted Every Year. Do They All Know to Show Up to Court?

Join members and friends of the New York Financial Writers’ Association for a reporting club webinar looking at the story behind a nine-month investigation into the flawed eviction system in D.C. and how false affidavits are impeding renters' rights.

January 29, 2021 – Annual Membership Meeting

Save the date for the NYFWA's 2021 annual membership meeting, where you can meet the members of the new board and raise any topics you would like to discuss with the general membership. 

When: Friday, January 29th, 5:30 p.m.

Where: Like everything for the foreseeable future, this will take place as a Zoom meeting.

RSVP's Mandatory: to

December 21st, 2020 – Breaking Down the Story: Trapped Inside an Assisted Living Facility During the Pandemic

Join members and friends of the New York Financial Writers’ Association for a reporting club webinar looking at the story behind the story of the devastation COVID-19 wrought on one assisted living facility in the Bronx. 

December 1st, 2020 – Welfare for the Rich

Join the New York Financial Writers’ association for a fireside chat with Lisa Conyers and Phil Harvey, co-authors of the book Welfare for the Rich, which details how many millionaires and billionaires secure and take advantage of government handouts, both for themselves and the companies they run. From subsidies, grants, tax credits, loan guarantees, price supports, to many other payouts, the book examines the countless ways the rich are able to take advantage of the system.

Among the topics they will touch on are:

November 17th, 2020 – Breaking Down the Story: What Happened Inside Ed Buck's Apartment

Join members and friends of the New York Financial Writers’ Association for the first event in a new reporting club series about the story behind the story, where journalists from across the country will speak about the articles they've written. These webinars will cover everything from idea generation to the reporting and writing process, the way the story was told, why it matters and what happened in the aftermath of publication.
