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Webinar: The Day the Markets Roared

Henry Kaufman was known to generations of financial journalists as Dr. Doom for his old-school bearishness. A mildly positive market call he made on Aug. 17, 1982, ignited a huge rally on Wall Street.

Webinar: The Ripple Effect –How and Why the SEC Targeted One Specific Cryptocurrency

A panel discussion on cryptocurrency and the ins and outs of how and why The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission labeled XRP a security -something it has not done for any other widely traded cryptocurrency. Panelists discuss the importance of the SEC's actions regarding XRP taking place at a time when leadership of the SEC is changing and when cryptocurrency is surging to new heights. 

Other topics touched on include:

• Why were regulators focused on XRP instead of bigger fish such as Bitcoin or Ethereum?

Webinar: Breaking Down the Story: Thousands of D.C. Renters Are Evicted Every Year. Do They All Know to Show Up to Court?

The story behind a nine-month investigation into the flawed eviction system in D.C. and how false affidavits are impeding renters' rights.

Webinar: Welfare for the Rich

A fireside chat with Lisa Conyers and Phil Harvey, co-authors of the book Welfare for the Rich, which details how many millionaires and billionaires secure and take advantage of government handouts, both for themselves and the companies they run. From subsidies, grants, tax credits, loan guarantees, price supports, to many other payouts, the book examines the countless ways the rich are able to take advantage of the system.

Podcast: "Breaking Down the Story: What Happened Inside Ed Buck's Apartment"

The first of a new reporting club series about the story behind the story, where journalists from across the country will speak about the articles they've written. 

Financial Times Reporters Discuss the Wirecard Fraud Series

The New York Financial Writers' Association's 2020 Impact Award for Distinguished Financial Journalism honored Dan McCrumStefania PalmaOlaf Storbeck and John Reed of the Financial Times for their series of courageous and persistent reports that exposed a massive fraud at the heart of Wirecard, one of Europe’s top technology companies. The reporting quartet discusses the story behind their award-winning series and how they found and we

How to Submit Photos for the NYFWA's 2020 Financial Follies Video

This year's NYFWA video will feature a photo montage poking fun at the situations we have all been enduring while trying to work remotely since the COVID-19 pandemic began. And we need your photos/short video clips to make it work!!!!


Podcast: The 44th Elliott V. Bell Award Ceremony/Battling Burnout Discussion

If you missed this year's Elliott V. Bell Award Ceremony and the discussion that followed on "Battling Burnout" be sure to check out the podcast. This year's recipient of the Elliott V. Bell Award is Jason Zweig, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal and the author and editor of several investing books.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to be Part of the New York Financial Writers’ Association’s 2020 Financial Follies!

With students back in school (or not), restaurants re-opened (ish), companies welcoming employees back to the office (maybe), the New York Financial Writers' Association is excited to announce that for the 2020 Financial Follies on Broadway - the show WILL* go on! (*Sort of!)

Last year, the Follies made the bold move of going "Hollywood" in an all-video format.

This year, we're making an even bolder move - and we're hoping you'll join us for a truly interactive Follies experience!
